Lower back pain is among the leading reasons for chiropractic visits, behind only musculoskeletal conditions such as subluxations and poor posture. Chiropractic professionals believe that back pain results from a misalignment of vertebrae in the spine. This misalignment can be caused by a variety of outside forces, including spinal trauma, degenerative or progressive disease, or a weak intervertebral disc. The chiropractor will try to locate vertebrae that are not lined up correctly or are unevenly positioned, and will then use manipulative therapy to realign these vertebrae, as well as the surrounding tissue and bone. Often, chiropractic treatment is combined with physical therapy, medicine, and other care options that are recommended by your doctor or chiropractor.
Most back pain symptoms can be treated with non-medical treatments, such as lifestyle changes or yoga. However, in some cases, when spinal misalignments are severe, chiropractic treatments may be necessary. Chiropractic professionals also recommend performing several stretches and strengthening exercises to help improve your flexibility. These treatments can relieve the pressure on your nerves and muscles, allowing your back to function more efficiently. If your chiropractic treatment is combined with good exercise habits and healthy diet, you may notice less back pain symptoms and improved overall health.
If you do choose to undergo chiropractic treatment, remember that it is not a substitute for regular medicine. You should still see your doctor regularly to make sure your condition is being managed properly, and that the treatment you are receiving is what your doctor ordered. While undergoing any type of chiropractic treatment, your chiropractor will likely suggest lifestyle or physical therapy. This can help to relieve any misalignment, which can be caused by a number of different factors.
Chiropractors also use their treatment method to target and eliminate the misalignment in your spine that is causing your back pain. Chiropractors commonly use spinal manipulation or adjustments to treat conditions such as misaligned vertebrae, trigger points, weak muscles or ligaments and more. These procedures are referred to as spinal realignment. Trigger points are areas of extra tension in your muscles, tendons, ligaments, or nerves. Trigger points are often the source of your back pain, and chiropractors are trained to recognize and target them.
Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation to correct misaligned spinal bones, promote joint mobility and remove accumulated tissue. The goal of this treatment is to relieve pain and restore function. In most cases, the chiropractic doctor will recommend a course of treatment that includes a personalized plan of stretches and exercises. These are designed to help you return to a normal range of motion and activity soon. Chiropractic treatment is an appropriate alternative to standard back pain treatment when your doctor has not ruled out a serious spinal problem or disease, such as a herniated disc.